Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Distraction

I generally build for aesthetics and function, but I've been guilty of building solely for one or the other at times. I've quickly built boxes to serve my purposes so that I could get to playing, and I've built giant, beautiful mansions that are a practical pain in the ass. Sometimes...sometimes I build because I'm a crazy fucker with a need for vengeance.

I am not a benevolent sim god.

Ever encounter a sim that you just hate? They photo bomb your romantic moments. They cock block your sims at the clubs. They snatch the partner you had worked into your storyline perfectly. They show up at your house, pee on your floor, steal your guitar, and refuse to leave for days. Yeah, I'm sure you've met one. Mine is Branch Timbley from Moonlight Falls. I've detailed his multitude of sins on MTS, but he continues to be a general douche in all of my saves. Acting on the questionable advice of another simmer, I have decided to settle the the most ridiculous way possible.

And thus The Branch Timbley Massacre Center and Breeding Facility (BTMCBF) is born. (I'm totally open to alternative names. Leave me a comment if you have a better idea.)

This state-of-the-art facility has been designed with all your Branch containment needs in mind. It boasts 24 sleeping pens with toilets, 8 shower stalls, a large kitchen and dining area with 2 stoves and 2 refrigerators, a rec area, and a small yard with a pool.

But why would I need so much space when there is only 1 Branch Timbley?
 *Insert maniacal laughter here*

Would I build an entire center to torture one tubby asshole? Erm...yeah I probably would. Let's try that again. Do you think killing this portly fairy once would be enough? Hell no! I currently have 16 flabby fairies in the BTMCBF.

What does Branch think about this arrangement?

Do you really need to use a pick-up line before masturbation, Branch?

Let's have a quick tour of the facility.

There are two useable floors, but the towers stand 4 floors.

 The upper floor contains only sleeping chambers and elevated catwalks.

The ground floor contains more sleeping rooms, the rec area, shower stalls, kitchen, and access to the yard.


 The central rec area

 Kitchen and dining

We'll let them get settled in for tonight. I imagine they're going to have a bad day tomorrow.

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